About the site


I was knitting a Riddari-sweater for someone as a present, and I needed to get the information about the yarn colors for the sweater. It can be really hard to imagine, what the finished sweater would look like, if you've never knitted one (and even if you have, it still is), so I needed some way to visualise the possible color choices.

The colors on the selects are from Istex' site - the colors they have for Léttlopi-yarn. You can find the codes of each color from the select-fields as well. Also, the colors you can see in the picture are only examples, I tried to get them close to the actual colors. However, I will not take any responsibility of the finished garment 😄


Neule.art mobile application expands this site, enabling color selection for knitting patterns on a mobile phone. The app's first version includes a color selection interface and a way to share these colors with a link. I'm developing the app and adding new features. If you have ideas, please contact me! Let's then see if I could add them to the app.

The application is currently available only for Android. The reason is that publishing iOS applications is expensive - I don't get any money from the site or the apps, and, unfortunately, I'm not ready to pay a hundred dollars a year for distributing one application.

If, however, you're interested in getting the iOS application, send me a message, and we can discuss if there are some options available.

Contact me

You can contact me via email (hello[a]eevis.codes) if you want to give any feedback, or notice something funny happening on the site.

Another option is to file a bug report in Github.

You can also find Neule.art from Instagram.



- Bugfixes

- Remove Lankaidea

- Added Den lykkelige sau

- Android app updated with new features

- Accessibility Fix

- Android application is available

- Neule.art is now on Instagram

- Fixed issues with several yarn stores

- Added Käsityöliike Somikki

- New stores added!

- Neule.art back in business

- Add Paapo

- RSS-feed for updates added

- Some colors got new color codes to resemble real colors better

- Add multicolor Icelandic sweater and refactor site structure

- Remove contact form and add Lanka-Kaisa

- Show all yarn color amounts in one page

- Show yarn color amounts in different stores

- Sort colors alphabetically

- Contact form and other improvements

- List of colors and other improvements

- The site is online 🎉